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This generator tool will guide you step by step in creating a strategic plan for your NGO. Apply key concepts learnt in the Learning Track “Strategic Planning” with an easy, intuitive and free tool.
Simply follow the instructions and answer the different questions with information from your NGO to generate and print your own strategic plan, quickly and for free.
This Volunteer Management Plan generator tool will walk you through the process of developing a Volunteer Management Plan for your NGO. It will provide your NGO with clear objectives and strategies to support volunteer recruitment and retention efforts, and is based on the notion that supporting, recognising and rewarding volunteers, especially patients/survivors, is vital for the ongoing viability of your NGO. The Plan is based on some of the basic volunteer management planning steps outlined in the United Patients Online Academy track - Patient and Volunteer Management for Health NGOs
This Fundraising Plan generator tool will walk you through the process of developing a Fundraising Plan for your NGO. It provides directions for the relevant information to be entered for each section of the plan. Once you have entered all the relevant information, the Fundraising Plan Generator Tool will generate your NGO’s Fundraising Plan that can be downloaded and printed. The Plan is based on the basic fundraising steps outlined in the United Patients Online Academy free online modules part of the Successful Fundraising course
This Communications Plan generator tool will walk you through the process of developing a Communications Plan for your NGO. A Communications Plan will help your NGO to: Define the best approach to communicate with an array of target audiences, develop a map of how to sequence communications activities based on your NGO resources and priorities, ensure communications strategies are in line with your NGO mission/vision
The advocacy prioritization tool can help you select the best policy issue for your NGO to advocate for at this time.
Before using the generator tools, please take the United Patients Online Academy free online courses. These courses are given by leading experts and offer specific content that prepares you for the use of the generator tools.